How To Describe A Company

How To Describe A Company
How To Describe A Company

Table of contents:


Assessment of the position of any enterprise in the market is impossible without a clear understanding of what exactly the company does and what is the efficiency of its work. We will show you how to most accurately describe the activities of the company.

The main capital of any company is people
The main capital of any company is people


Step 1

Define clear criteria by which you will evaluate the company. It is best to record them in writing, as some of them involve further detail.

Step 2

The main criteria: the position of the company in its industry segment, the efficiency of its work (the dynamics of indicators for the reporting period in the form of a visual graph), the position in the market relative to competitors, the quality of the product (services), the main competitive advantages.

Step 3

By collecting additional information, you will be able to assess the effectiveness of the company. To do this, it is necessary to rely on data that can be obtained both directly (for example, open statistics on sales dynamics), and indirectly (data from competitors, a description of the company's strategy in the market), etc.

Step 4

Auxiliary criteria: advertising strategy (how active is the promotion of personnel rotation in the company (availability of vacancies, degree of openness), the level of the company's management, personnel qualifications, social image (the presence of charitable projects, care for the environment, etc.).

Step 5

If possible, talk to employees, as if by the way, ask if their salary has been raised for a long time (this is the most important indicator of the stability of the company), whether they have a social package, whether it is customary to go on vacation for a long time. The attitude to personnel reflects the degree of qualifications of top managers, who, ideally, should understand that human resources are fundamental in any business.

Step 6

Use informal sources. For example, in blogs you can find a lot of interesting not only about the women's fate of the employees of the credit department, but true stories about industrial conflicts. You don't need to mention them, but this kind of information will help you get a more accurate impression of the company's work.

Step 7

Finally, outline the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, briefly describe its market strategy, and identify its possible business prospects based on the data you analyzed.
