Accurate calculation of the prospective sales plan is the key to normal business development. In planning for future sales, you need to add not only the amount of estimated profit, but also those methods through which you can increase the amount of income. How do I write this document?

Step 1
First, create a header for your future sales plan. At the top of the sheet, write the name of the company, title, last name, and full title of the person in charge.
Step 2
Start your plan by describing your department: how many people work in it, how well they do their job, whether there is a need to expand the staff. List the main achievements of the department for the last reporting period and name the largest clients. If you see significant shortcomings in the work of the department, indicate their reasons and ways to overcome them.
Step 3
Next, describe in detail the situation in terms of sales for the last year: periods of recession and recovery, indicate the total amount of sales for each employee, and also demonstrate how the plan was fulfilled. If the sales plan was exceeded, indicate the amount in percent and the names of the most successful managers.
Step 4
Next, write down the estimated sales volume in the coming period. Indicate with which prospective clients a preliminary agreement has been concluded, which agreements have already been concluded, and which are still in development. Also list the companies with which you intend to establish contact in the near future. When calculating the sales plan, take into account the possible risk in the form of increased competition in the market or increased production costs.
Step 5
Consider those prospective activities that will significantly increase sales: promotions, campaigns, side conferences, possibly dinner parties, and more.
Step 6
The plan should represent not only pure numbers, but also detailed information about the entire work of the department. Together with the calculation of future profits, consider future expenses: replacement of household appliances and other equipment, communication with other departments, for example, with the marketing and accounting departments, salary increases for promising employees and other expenses. All this must be taken into account when calculating.