The legal profession became extremely popular several years ago, as it promised good earnings, work in prestigious companies, and private practice. There is an opinion that our institutes graduate too many legal professionals without taking into account the real need of the labor market for this specialty. However, many will be surprised to learn that some organizations and government agencies are in dire need of such personnel. A novice lawyer who turns there will certainly be offered vacancies.

Step 1
Contact the bailiff service. They often have vacancies. In addition, you may not be offered the worst position there.
Step 2
Consider police work as an option. Young specialists are also gladly accepted there.
Step 3
Visit all public and private notary offices. Being an assistant notary can be a good start.
Step 4
Don't set yourself an unattainable goal. Do not aim for a good position immediately after graduation. So few are lucky. You might as well start with a paralegal.
Step 5
If you haven't finished your studies yet, start working now. Again, you will work as an assistant to a lawyer or a notary, but now you should think not so much about the salary as about the experience and seniority gained, which will be appreciated by future employers.
Step 6
Contact the institutions where you did your internship. Having experience communicating and working with you, these organizations may consider your candidacy.
Step 7
Do not neglect job exchanges, including Internet exchanges. Make a competent resume and send it to all the offices and companies you are interested in. Maybe there is no vacancy for you today, but who knows what will happen tomorrow. Let your competent resume leave an imprint in the employer's memory in case they suddenly need a specialist.
Step 8
If you already have some work experience, but you still can't get a job, try working over the Internet. Today this type of work is already quite developed. On the Internet, you can find vacancies for the position of a remote consulting lawyer, secretary of a lawyer, editor of a legal website.
Step 9
In order to make your candidacy even more attractive, especially for working over a network, you must master a computer at a good user level, learn to work with basic office and some specialized programs. Knowledge of office work also does not hurt.