How To Make The Right Plan For Writing An Article

How To Make The Right Plan For Writing An Article
How To Make The Right Plan For Writing An Article

Article is a complex genre of journalism. Work on an article, be it informational or analytical, should be built according to certain rules. Specialized literature on the technology of journalism describes in detail the work with this genre, and, as practice shows, the application of these rules should have a place in the arsenal of any journalist or just a writer.

How to make the right plan for writing an article
How to make the right plan for writing an article

Stages of work on the article

Before starting to work on the article, it is necessary to build its logic and highlight in general the main theses around which the narrative will develop. Therefore, it is important to correctly draw up a plan according to which the article will be built.

If you are an aspiring journalist, there are five sequential steps to remember to help you create a complete journalistic product. First, decide on the topic of your material. The topic of the work can be devoted to both acute social, political or economic problems, and issues of culture, science, sports. The article will be all the more interesting, the more relevant and acute the problem you have identified will be.

Gather facts to display the problem or analyze it. This is the basis of your material, moreover, the very plan of the article will be based on them. Take this as seriously as possible: any fact must be reliable. Try to correctly analyze these facts: what conclusions do they lead to? What conclusion can you make specifically, based on the collected facts?

Try to gather the opinions of authoritative experts regarding the question you are asking. Clarify whether you made the right conclusions? Remember to be objective: you shouldn't be subjective about expert comments.

Having collected all the necessary information, start working on the text. Write a draft article. To determine how well you have written your thoughts, read what you have written aloud and see how enjoyable it is for you to hear it. Determine the logic of your material. Facts and opinions should be presented consistently.

Having written an article, do not rush to send it to the editor. Return to it in a couple of hours, re-read it again and check for literacy. When editing the material, do not forget about the paragraph division of the text. This usually makes the text easier to read.

Please note that in your article, you, as an author, must answer the questions - what? where? when? why? what does this mean?

About title and lead

Pay special attention to the title and lead. The headline should be bright and memorable, in addition, it should consist of no more than 8 words. Use phraseological units, but do not go to colloquial expressions. As a rule, the title should display the topic, but in a dynamic, possibly provocative way.

Lead - that which precedes the main text, can continue the thought stated in the title, or reflect the problem raised in the article. Remember: the lead should be interesting and concise. The willingness or unwillingness of the reader to get to know the text to the end largely depends on how literate and interesting the lead is.
