Under the new rules, the calculation of maternity benefits is based on the average earnings for 24 months. The total amount for the calculation includes all accruals from which income tax was withheld. Social security payments are not included in total earnings. You always need to divide by 730, that is, by the number of calendar days in the billing period.

Step 1
Women were allowed to choose any year for calculating the benefit if they were on parental leave before the billing period or often received sick leave during pregnancy. Since sick leave payments are not included in the total calculation amount.
Step 2
A woman can receive maternity benefits from all employers in the enterprises she works for. The main thing is that the total amount for the calculation does not exceed the maximum bar, which is determined at the level of 465,000 rubles for one billing year.
Step 3
If a woman receives little or has recently started working and the calculated amount consisting of actually earned funds divided by actually worked calendar days is less than the average daily minimum wage, the calculation is made on the basis of the minimum wage.
Step 4
In case of singleton pregnancy, the woman is paid 140 days of maternity leave. With multiple fetuses - 194 days. If the childbirth was difficult and with complications, then another 16 days are paid, but not in the total amount of maternity, but separately after childbirth. If multiple pregnancies are established during childbirth, additional days are paid according to a separate sick leave after childbirth.
Step 5
The calculation itself is made by adding up all the amounts earned for 24 months from which income tax was withheld. The resulting figure must be divided by 730 and multiplied by the number of maternity leave prescribed for sick leave. Income tax is not withheld on maternity benefits.
Step 6
If a woman goes on another vacation before maternity leave, then the amount due for the vacation and the current salary are added to the allowance.