When making a choice between several candidates of the same qualifications, the employer most often relies on the favorable impressions of meeting the applicant and takes into account the feelings caused by the first meeting. Therefore, you need to competently and responsibly prepare for the upcoming interview, remembering several important rules.

Step 1
When planning your interview, do some preliminary reconnaissance. Find out as much as possible about the company and about the people with whom you will talk, get acquainted with the products or services of the company. Try to find reviews online or talk to people who work or have worked for the organization.
Step 2
Consider the style of clothing and the appropriateness of the accessories. If the company has an approved dress code or a certain appearance is welcomed, try to get as close to it as possible. A business suit works well for financial institutions, while a designer job seeker, for example, can wear looser clothing. The main thing is not to go to extremes, choose a discreet outfit, be neat and tidy, do not use harsh perfumes and colognes.
Step 3
Never be late for your interview. Make sure in advance that you know the route well and can arrive at the place at least 5-10 minutes in order to put your thoughts in order in a calm atmosphere and tune in to a meeting. If you can't avoid being late, call your employer, apologize, and give a compelling reason for your delay. In case of a strong delay, it will be more appropriate to postpone the meeting to another day.
Step 4
On the eve of your interview, try to go to bed early to get a good night's sleep, especially if the appointment is in the morning. On the day of the interview, do not drink a lot of fluids, do not drink alcohol, and check the freshness of your breath.
Step 5
In the office of the company, be friendly with all employees, do not forget to say hello, smile with restraint. Never reach out to the first person to meet, as this can embarrass people who avoid shaking hands. If a hand was extended to you, respond with a similar gesture. Keep in mind that your hands should be dry and warm, and the handshake should be confident, but not too strong. Take up a sitting position only after being asked to sit down.
Step 6
During the conversation, look into the eyes of the interviewer, listen carefully. Before answering the question asked, try to formulate the answer internally, emphasizing your positive qualities and not talking about shortcomings. Do not discuss your financial difficulties and only discuss the estimated salary after the other person suggests the topic. Be proactive and interested, don't interrupt and don't hesitate to ask questions about future work.
Step 7
At the end of the interview, thank the interviewee for their attention. Specify when you can find out the results of the interview.