In moments when efforts do not bring equal results, our inspiration and desire to do exactly this business diminish. This is where the ways to increase motivation come to the rescue.

Ask the question: "Why?"
Once in a predicament, there is no need to concentrate on the situation itself. It is much more useful to think about why this happened, what the difficulty is. If you cannot find the cause, then you should not dwell on the problem itself either.
Start at 5 minutes
When starting a big business, give it only 5 minutes to start. As you know, the most difficult thing is the beginning, and if you do a tiny five-minute part, the task itself will be perceived as much easier.
Go forward
Just get on with the current business, even without motivation. As soon as you start to see the first results, the motivation will appear.
… or take on the next case
If you no longer have the strength to sit on this particular project, put it aside and fully concentrate on completing the next step. When finished, return to the deferred project.
Find the problem
What exactly is the whole problem? What's stopping you? Why can't you get what you want? Usually, after clearly defining such aspects, the problem resolves itself.
Deal with fear
Often our doubts and hidden fears greatly complicate our life, making it difficult to show everything that we are capable of and fully realize our potential. Try to identify your hidden fears: maybe they were the reason for your failures all this time.
Find like-minded people
We all need moral support or a good kick in the ass from time to time. Both of these will be provided by our support team. Usually people who share your beliefs are needed when your motivation decreases so much that you yourself are no longer able to return it.