How To Privatize A Social Apartment In

How To Privatize A Social Apartment In
How To Privatize A Social Apartment In

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After the adoption of the Housing Code in 2005, the privatization of apartments and other housing became relevant for a significant part of Russian citizens. In state institutions participating in privatization, queues even began to appear, fueling the excitement around the transfer of housing into ownership, which significantly hampered the privatization process. The process of privatization of apartments occupied by citizens under a social tenancy agreement has its own peculiarities.

How to privatize a social apartment
How to privatize a social apartment


Step 1

Before starting the process of privatizing an apartment, determine for yourself how much you need it. You can sell, exchange, donate or bequeath a privatized apartment, make legalized redevelopment in it. But housing received under a social rental agreement can only be exchanged, and even then only with the consent of the owner, that is, the municipal authorities. No one will be able to evict you from a privatized apartment for violation of the rules of conduct or for non-payment. A social tenancy agreement grants the state the right to evict tenants, for example, if payments are overdue for more than six months.

Step 2

Assess the prospects for privatization in terms of your financial situation. The rent for privatized housing will not decrease, but as an owner, you will incur high costs. For example, the owner pays for all the costs of repairing both his apartment and the house (elevator, attic and basement).

Step 3

Having made a decision to privatize your apartment, first of all, ensure the consent of all citizens living in it. If at least one of the tenants does not agree, the privatization of the apartment will not take place.

Step 4

Collect the necessary documents to register the apartment in ownership. You will need copies of the passports of those who are registered in the apartment; a housing warrant or social contract; an extract from the decision to conclude such an agreement; floor plan of the building; a receipt for payment of the state fee. Other documents may also be needed, everything will depend on the specific situation.

Step 5

Submit the collected documents to the registration authority. There, your documents will first be checked, additional requests will be requested if necessary, and then your application will be registered. Be sure to require a receipt for registration of acceptance of documents. After considering your question, the registration authority will issue you a certificate of ownership of the housing.

Step 6

Keep in mind that the privatization process can take several months. To avoid unnecessary and tedious procrastination, seek assistance in preparing the documents from a specialized real estate agency that you trust. This will save you time and money.
