Donating a land plot is one of the ways to inherit real estate. At the same time, the owner can be sure that his property will pass into good hands and will not become the subject of disputes and proceedings. It must be understood that a donation agreement is a legal transaction. In order to avoid troubles in the future when concluding a donation agreement, it is necessary to clearly observe some rules.

title documents for the land plot, passports of the donor and the gifted, cadastral passport of the land plot
Step 1
To draw up a donation agreement, prepare the following documents:
- certificate of state registration of ownership or certificate of ownership of a land plot of the old model (issued before 2001);
- cadastral passport for the land plot. This document contains a full description of the land plot - area, cadastral value, land category, permitted use, information on rights;
- certificate of marriage from the donor. It is necessary if the land plot was acquired by the donor in ownership during marriage;
- notarized consent of the spouse to conclude a donation agreement for a land plot. The boundaries of a land plot subject to donation must be established in accordance with the law. There is a note about this in the cadastral passport. If it is absent, it is necessary to conduct a land survey.
Step 2
If all of the above documents are in order, proceed to concluding the donation agreement itself. The contract can be drawn up independently, but it is better to contact the notary office, which is located in the area of the land plot. Any mistake in the contract drawn up by a layperson can cause the contract to be refused or returned for revision, and the donation process can be delayed indefinitely. When contacting a notary, you will have to pay a state fee of 1% of the cadastral value of the land plot, but you can avoid inaccuracies and save your time.
Step 3
After the donation agreement is notarized, you must take it and all prepared documents (originals and copies) to the Federal State Registration Service. There, in the presence of specialists, fill out an application for registration of the Donation Agreement and an application for state registration of ownership of the land plot for the new owner (gifted).
Step 4
After 20 working days provided by law for registering a donation agreement and issuing a certificate of ownership, you must again come to the state registration service and receive a certificate of state registration of the right to a land plot. Despite the fact that all government services, such as the tax inspection, the cadastral chamber, Rosreestr, have a single database of copyright holders, you should visit all these services and make sure that all the relevant changes have been made. After all, now you have to pay real estate tax and be responsible for using the land for its intended purpose.