Obviously, any dangerous profession must leave its mark on the human psyche. But what exactly is the constant finding in an extreme situation for a person and his behavior?

Why do men choose the military profession
This often happens under the influence of the example of the father or someone from the family. The military is one of the professions that have been passed down from generation to generation. But not only the example of older relatives can help a man to decide. Often they become military men because of the special mindset and character inherent in them from their youth. It is about a strong will, a penchant for self-discipline, leadership, discernment, interest in history, combat technology, etc.
In addition, the reason may be somewhat mercantile in nature. In most modern states, the military is a socially protected, wealthy, respected class in society. It is for this stability that young people go to the military. After military service, many of them go into politics, occupy leadership positions, etc.
How does such a profession affect the psyche
A person who is constantly in an extreme environment, faced with such strong emotions from other people as fear or aggression, of course, is changing rapidly. A critical situation, high responsibility temper the character, make it more decisive, the threshold of sensitivity decreases, rational behavior and volitional qualities prevail.
But this does not mean that the person himself stops experiencing fear. He is forced to suppress fears, emotions and other qualities "useless" in the war. However, human anxiety and the very ability to experience fear do not disappear. All these unpleasant experiences are pushed into the realm of the unconscious.
This means that a person who is constantly experiencing stress, but is forced to suppress the manifestation of emotions in himself, may be haunted by bad dreams. Or he can take out the accumulated tension outside the professional circle (for example, in the family), suffer from insomnia, depression, nervousness, or abuse alcohol in order to forget.
The people of the military profession simply need psychological help. Psychotherapy will help to get rid of the accumulated nervous tension, and this, in turn, will help to avoid various psychosomatic disorders.
An important role is played by the inner work of the person himself. It is necessary to keep in mind the purpose of your activity, otherwise contemplation of monstrous pictures of war can completely suppress the personality. Of course, the military is prepared for such work on themselves in the process of training, but individual work must continue throughout life.