Creating a personal or corporate portal is an important part of a company's overall marketing strategy. For a website to perform its functions as efficiently as possible, you must first write its concept.

Step 1
Find a website development brief template. As a rule, such documents are in the public domain on most major portals dealing with web services. Modify and complete this brief as you see fit so that it is as informative as possible and provides developers with detailed information on the concept of the site.
Step 2
Fill in general information about your company, the specifics of its work, clients, projects. Determine for what purpose you need a site. Even a standard business card site can either contain only the most necessary information, or serve as a powerful image tool. Since visuals and content only depend on your goals and budget, be clear about the interface requirements.
Step 3
Conduct an analysis of competitors' sites, and also select the portals that you like the most. Highlight all the disadvantages and advantages, mark the most interesting stylistic solutions. List these links in the appropriate sections of your brief, indicating at least 3 pros and cons of the selected sites. This will help the performers get an idea of your preferences.
Step 4
Think over the structure of the site. State your wishes for organizing the main page, main menu items, how to organize tabs and reveal photos. Together with the site developer, develop clear and accessible navigation for any user. Before launching the site, it is advisable to conduct a usability audit: analysis of the main pages and navigation by experts and representatives of the target audience.
Step 5
Formulate the requirements for the site's functionality. Today, any resource can be made as interactive as possible, turning it into a platform for communication and search for the necessary information. Guestbook, user registration, personal account, shopping cart, newsletter subscription: from the whole variety of functions, choose those that best suit your goals.
Step 6
State your intentions for website promotion. List the technologies that you would like to entrust the developers, for example, maintaining groups in social networks, contextual advertising, SEO.