What Is Included In The Concept Of Office Work

What Is Included In The Concept Of Office Work
What Is Included In The Concept Of Office Work

Office work is an important part of the activities of any enterprise, which allows keeping records of all administrative and business documents. An employee or a whole unit, whose tasks include office work, exist in every enterprise, regardless of its form of ownership. Competently delivered office work is a guarantee of well-coordinated work of the entire enterprise and its prompt response to changes in business and market conditions.

What is included in the concept of office work
What is included in the concept of office work

What is the office work for?

Sooner or later, after the start of activities, any enterprise is faced with the need to organize work with documents, which are the basic management tool, since it is with their help that the transfer of guidelines is carried out, and management decisions are communicated to a specific performer. The system of office work at the enterprise is designed to ensure the standardization and uniformity of documentation, organize its accounting and storage in order to facilitate the work with business documents. The functions of the office work system include:

- competent organization of workflow, ensuring the prompt transfer of documents along the shortest path with minimal time consumption, allowing you to control the passage of any document and its execution in due time;

- an automated system for registration and accounting of all incoming, outgoing and internal documentation;

- archiving of documents, which allows them to be systematized according to formal criteria and to form them into cases;

- creation of a nomenclature of cases - a system of codes according to lists of case headers, facilitating their systematization and determining the storage periods of archives established by legislative or industry regulations.

If all these functions of work with document flow at the enterprise are implemented, we can say that the office work system is debugged and works as required.

Organizational and legal aspects

Any document containing the details of the enterprise is considered a business paper and, therefore, legal consequences are determined for it, i.e. this document can already be presented in court when resolving conflicts and contradictions that have arisen. Therefore, the conduct of office work should be carried out on the basis of regulatory documents - specially developed instructions, verified by the legal service and approved by the head of the enterprise. This instruction is not only a manual, but also a document that is mandatory for execution, therefore, all interested persons must be familiarized with it against signature.

Forms of documents, in accordance with which the enterprise carries out its activities, must be standardized. The composition of the details that must be indicated on the forms is determined in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork . The same standard also establishes requirements for the design of business and administrative documentation.
