The inspection report is a document that is drawn up at the scene of the incident in order to as much as possible find out the essence and causes of the incident. It can be handwritten or printed on letterhead or plain white paper. The protocol should be drawn up according to the generally accepted rule, so that later there will be no difficulties in reading it.

Step 1
Take a letterhead or piece of paper. On the sheet at the top left, write the heading: "Protocol of the inspection of the scene", indicate the date, time of the beginning of the inspection and the place of the incident. Also, in the introductory part of the protocol, indicate your surname and initials, rank and name of the duty station. Nearby - the names of the attesting witnesses and their place of residence.
Step 2
Indicate that the inspection of the scene of the incident was carried out in accordance with the articles of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation (for example: Articles 164 and 176), upon the fact that the incident was reported at that time from such and such a person. Also record in writing that the attesting witnesses were explained their rights and obligations in accordance with Art. 60 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.
Step 3
Describe the location of the incident, if necessary, attach a hand-drawn or printed diagram showing the boundaries and numbered areas if there is more than one. State in writing the conditions under which the inspection was carried out (for example, weather or technical interference), and also describe in as much detail as possible the situation and all the objects that were in place at the time of the inspection. When describing the environment and especially the location of objects, use precise wording to represent the scene of the incident.
Step 4
If at the time of the inspection a video recording or photographing was carried out, indicate in the protocol the model of the equipment and the main technical characteristics, attach copies of the video or photographic materials to the protocol sheet (make a corresponding note about the application in the protocol). Make an inventory of things removed from the scene for investigative and operational purposes. This list also includes a fingerprint film with traces or fingerprints.
Step 5
Familiarize the attesting witnesses with the protocol (as an option - read it out loud) and ask them to sign at the bottom of the page. If during the inspection of the scene of the incident any comments were received from the attesting witnesses, indicate their essence in the protocol. Also, in the final part of the protocol, put your signature, record the end time of the inspection of the scene. Please note that any amendments made to the protocol must be certified by the signatures of the person who draws up the protocol and the attesting witnesses who participated in the examination.