In a broad sense, the word “harm” means damage as a result of which a party has suffered losses. It can be inflicted intentionally or through negligence, vary in severity, have material expression and relate to moral, i.e. non-property aspect.

Documents confirming the fact of harm
Step 1
Check out the provisions of the Civil and Civil Procedure Code, on the basis of which you have to collect the evidence base. It is worth counting on the successful completion of the collection process only if a number of necessary conditions are met. This is expressed in the fact that the damage must: - be real; - have a causal relationship with the party you intend to bring to justice; - arise due to illegal or illegal actions; - directly or indirectly indicate guilt. Therefore, the line of behavior must be built taking into account the above conditions.
Step 2
Collect documents confirming your right to own and dispose of property, as well as papers that allow you to determine the amount of damage. It is possible to attach witness testimony to the case, but they alone will not be enough. If material values were destroyed, for example, during a fire due to the burning of a building, then a document from the fire department should be submitted confirming the departure of the company vehicle to the scene.
Step 3
In parallel with this, it is necessary to prove that the material values were in the territory entrusted to the protection of the legislator. In other words, list the conditions with links to legislation that give you the right to demand a hearing for compensation for damage caused.
Step 4
Prepare documents confirming the wrongfulness of the defendant's actions. They can be equated, for example, orders and orders permitting or prohibiting to do something in a certain territory. For example, the Resolution of the Government of St. Petersburg "On the turnover of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products in St. Petersburg" restricts the sale of alcohol at night and on holidays. Thus, if the harm was caused due to the purchase of drinks in the store at the wrong time, then the confirmation of the illegal actions will be a fiscal receipt indicating the fact of the purchase.
Step 5
As evidence of causing moral harm and damage to health, opinions of medical workers, prescriptions and receipts indicating treatment are used.