Probably everyone dreams of receiving an inheritance from some rich relative. But sometimes you get an inheritance that is burdensome, unprofitable or completely unnecessary for you. In this case, the inheritance can be abandoned, and only a capable person can do this. If the heir is minor or incapacitated, then he can refuse the inheritance only after the permission of the trustee or the guardianship authority. How to do it?

Step 1
You can refuse he inheritance and at the same time not indicate in favor of which persons the refusal occurs.
You can refuse the inheritance within 6 months, even if you have already accepted the inheritance.
Or you can formalize a waiver of the inheritance in favor of specific persons claiming part of the inheritance by will or by law.
Step 2
To refuse the inheritance, submit an application to refuse the inheritance to a notary at the location of the inheritance. If you cannot personally submit an application to a notary (another person submits the application or you send the application by mail), then certify your signature with another notary or other authorized person at the place of residence.
Step 3
To refuse inheritance through a representative, issue a power of attorney for him and indicate in the power of attorney that the representative is authorized to do so. If the inheritance is renounced by a legal representative, then the power of attorney is not needed. As already mentioned, the inheritance can be renounced after it has already been accepted. But if the heir has refused the inheritance, then the heir will no longer be able to accept it back. Moreover, one should not forget that the renunciation of the right of inheritance, as well as the acceptance of the inheritance, is a one-sided transaction and it is subject to the general requirements for transactions. Only a court can invalidate a transaction. If the decision regarding the rejection of the inheritance changes, then in this case it is necessary to prove in court that the application for the rejection of the inheritance was filed under threat or as a result of deception, and that when submitting such an application, the heir did not give an account of his actions.