The law provides Russians with the opportunity to renounce Russian citizenship. But it contains a number of restrictions. Residents living in Russia should apply to the FMS authorities at their place of residence on this issue, and abroad - to the nearest consular office of the Russian Federation in the host country.

- - passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (or international passport when living abroad);
- - birth certificate;
- - marriage certificate, if any;
- - notarized translation of a passport of another state or confirmation of a competent foreign authority on the granting of citizenship after renouncing the citizenship of the Russian Federation;
- - a certificate from the tax inspectorate about the absence of tax arrears (only for residents of the Russian Federation);
- - application of the established form;
- - money to pay the state duty or consular fee.
Step 1
Take from your FMS branch or the nearest consulate, if you live abroad, an application form in the prescribed form. You can also find it on the Internet. Fill it in by hand, on a typewriter, or on a computer.
There should be no abbreviations in the text, all fields are filled in (if necessary, it is written "did not change", "did not take part", "do not have", etc.). indicating in the required column the address of registration or residence. All foreign addresses and names are written in Russian letters.
Step 2
If you are applying abroad, the consulate will require you to prove that you have no place of residence in the Russian Federation. These can be marks in the passport about staying at the consular register or about permanent residence abroad. The first one can be obtained at the consulate, while you will be automatically removed from the register at the address of registration in the Russian Federation. The second - upon discharge due to departure abroad at the place of last residence in the Russian Federation.
Step 3
Translate foreign documents into Russian: passport or confirmation of the competent authority that you will be granted the citizenship of another state. When submitting documents in Russia, a notarized translation certified by a Russian notary is required. Abroad, the requirements can be more liberal, you can clarify them at the consulate where you are going to submit documents: with a personal visit, by phone or on the website.
Step 4
If you are registered at the place of residence in Russia, contact your territorial office for a certificate of absence of tax arrears. If available, you will have to pay it off first.
Step 5
Pay the state fee or consular fee. In the first case, this can be done through Sberbank. The details for payment and the amount will be prompted at the FMS or Sberbank branch. In the second, the amount of the fee and the procedure for payment must be found out at the specific consular office.
Step 6
Take the collected package of documents to the office of the Federal Migration Service or the consulate at office hours. The final decision on the withdrawal of a Russian citizen from citizenship is made by the President of the Russian Federation. For those living abroad, a simplified procedure has been adopted, involving a smaller set of documents and an accelerated consideration of applications - up to six months., renounce citizenship in the general manner, and the decision-making period for them is twice as long.