Political and economic activities are decisive for any society, but legal activities are of no less importance. Legal activity is an indicator of the civil maturity of society and the readiness of the state to fulfill its direct responsibilities, including ensuring the legal protection of its citizens.

What is legal activity
Legal activity has those characteristic features that are inherent in any social activity: objectivity, expediency, orderliness, consistency, selectivity, etc. Its object is law in various manifestations of legal norms, legal relations, legal consciousness and legal regulation, therefore legal activity is the basis for the existence of legal systems of society and state. It is recognized as such not only because its object is law, but also because its results are legally significant and make it possible to create new precedents that correspond to changing legal realities, or, conversely, to keep the legal reality unchanged.
Legal activity is carried out on the basis of legal knowledge, experience and a way of thinking, allowing to build a logical chain from the selection, analysis and assessment of legal information to the choice of optimal options for solving a legal problem. This activity contains both a rational component and a moral one.
Types of legal activities
At present, Russian legal scholars, in their works devoted to the content and functions of legal activity, present different points of view on its types. Some of them share legal activity and legal practice, the other part considers them to be inseparable from each other and proposes to consider the entire set of social and legal phenomena as legal activity.
One thing is beyond doubt: legal activity should be carried out by lawyers with the appropriate professional education, qualifications and experience. In this case, there is a guarantee that such activities will be aimed at creating socially useful legal norms and benefits that are necessary both for society as a whole and for individual individuals of its components.
Such activity of professional lawyers is based on the current legislation, norms of law and morality and has legally significant consequences. Its main types include:
- legal assessment of the presented facts and information;
- development of an algorithm for searching and checking data, facts and information;
- search and analysis of legal information related to these facts;
- selection of existing legal norms that allow making an unambiguous legal conclusion;
- development and formulation of a position;
- registration of legal documents: certificates, decisions, etc.
- control over the legal process and the activities of both organizations and citizens, allowing them to remain within the legal framework.