A writ of execution is a document issued on the basis of a decision, order or settlement agreement issued by a judicial authority. It contains the full name and address of the court in which the case was considered, information about the plaintiff (recoverer) and the defendant (debtor), displays the result of the ruling adopted by the court, the amount of recovery, and also includes the date of entry into force of the decision. The writ of execution is filled in both by hand and in print, without corrections and additions.

- - the form of the writ of execution;
- - the court's decision;
- - data of the plaintiff;
- - data of the defendant;
- - computer.
Step 1
Take a court decision (act), on the basis of which it will be necessary to fill out a writ of execution. Study the document carefully. Pay attention to the presence of the number and date in it, the content of the trial, familiarize yourself with the data of the plaintiff and the defendant, as well as the result of the decision.
Step 2
At the top of the writ of execution, write the number of the case and its date, which must correspond to the data of the judicial act. The date indicated in the writ of execution is the date of the judgment. Specify the date and year in figures, the month in words.
Step 3
Write the full name and mailing address of the court that issued the order. Try to keep the written record of the written order legible and clear.
Step 4
Refer to the text of the judicial act, carefully study the materials of the case under consideration in order to correctly reflect the essence of the trial in the writ of execution and, as a result, indicate the result of the decision made by the court.
Step 5
Provide a brief summary of the claimant's claim. Then formulate the decision of the court. Indicate the respondent, the plaintiff and the amount determined by the court for recovery, which should be written in numbers and then in words.
Step 6
Indicate the date of entry into force of the writ of execution, containing the date, month and year. If the decision requires immediate execution, be sure to display this information.
Step 7
Write the date of issue of the writ of execution. On the next line, indicate the period during which the document can be presented for execution.
Step 8
Indicate the exact details of the claimant, and then the debtor. For the organization, they must contain the full name and legal address. For an individual - last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of his birth, as well as data of his place of residence or stay.
Step 9
The writ of execution must contain the signature of the judge and its transcript, as well as the official seal of the judicial authority. If you have any difficulties in filling out the writ of execution, contact more experienced employees who will be able to answer questions and assist in the correct execution of the document.