The right to receive information is spelled out in various laws - both on the media, and in the Constitution, etc. However, there are cases when the provision of information of interest may be refused. This must be done in a certain way.

Step 1
You can refuse to provide information in the event that it is a state or commercial secret. Also, the number of non-distributed information includes any other secrets that are protected by law. The decision to refuse to receive information must be provided in a special notification.
Step 2
To draw up a document notifying the refusal to issue information, you are given only three days. True, this is indeed the case if you received a written request. In the event that information was requested from you in a telephone conversation or other private conversation, you can also refuse verbally.
Step 3
When drawing up a written notice of refusal to provide the requested information, you must indicate, first of all, the reason why such a decision was made. It should be spelled out clearly enough and, at the same time, preferably succinctly. If the information is not an immediate secret protected by law, you can indicate the reasons why it cannot be separated from information protected by law.
Step 4
In addition, the notification must indicate the official who made the decision to refuse to issue information. It is advisable to indicate his phone number for communication, in case there are controversial points.
Step 5
Do not forget to indicate the date when the decision was made to refuse to receive information.
Step 6
You can refuse not only irrevocably, but also for a short period of time. In this case, they speak of a postponement. It can be used if it is impossible to provide information within a period of 7 days. In this case, a notification is also sent. You need to issue and send it within 3 days.
Step 7
Please explain in the notice why you cannot provide information immediately. Be sure to write down the date by which the required information will be ready. Also include the person who made the decision to defer and the date when the decision was made.