The problem can be solved by analogy with attracting a good product. For a successful purchase, you need to go to a good store with an adequate amount of money. Also, to attract a good job, you must arrive at the place where this job is issued, having in stock an excellent set of knowledge and skills.

Step 1
Explore. Find out in which organizations you can work in the chosen specialty. Set a goal - the company you want to work for the most.
Step 2
Prove that you know how to work with clients. Starting from this step, you will need to collect a "package of evidence". This proof can be presented when applying for a job in order to stand out from the crowd of candidates for a vacancy. Clients are all people with whom you come in contact in the course of work. If you are engaged in maintenance of equipment and programming, clients - accounting, for example. With these people, you solve current problems and provide them with the results of labor. Likewise, you can identify clients in any specialty. To prove that you know how to work with clients, write several articles about the quality of the provision of specific services. Submit articles to your blog on paid hosting. Configure your blog so that the publication date is not displayed. Place the list of articles and links to them in your resume.
Step 3
Show a professional look. If job duties involve certain clothes, the use of some technique, reflect all this in a number of articles. Write like a specialist. Submit articles to the same blog.
Step 4
Infect people with enthusiasm. Frank Battger, in his book "The Lucky Trader," cites the words that enthusiasm is one of the highest paid qualities in the world. Write an article directly about the job. Show that you are doing what you love.
Step 5
Be a model of commitment. Another article should inform the reader that you are good at planning work and getting things done. Give advice in the article on how to organize your work so that you can keep up with everything.
Step 6
Show how complementary skills contribute to your success. You can talk about the ability to type blindly, if the skill helps in the work. Think of other skills that are familiar to you but may be important to differentiate yourself from the candidate environment.
Step 7
Cast the "fishing rod". When the articles are ready, do not re-read them for several days. Then look with a fresh eye to correct stylistic inaccuracies. Pay attention to the headings. These are the ones you will type on your resume. Take a good photo for your resume. The dress code shown should be appropriate for the job environment. Take your resume to the HR department of the company identified in step 1. It's okay that they don't post vacancies. You can go and ask about the prospects of the device in this organization. At the same time, leave a resume with a list of articles. Make sure your resume ends up in good recruitment agencies that don't charge applicants.