Regardless of professionalism, each specialist is periodically faced with an emergency volume of work. As a rule, in such cases, the volume of an endless stream of tasks is inversely proportional to labor productivity - the more tasks are on the agenda, the less it is possible to complete. Oddly enough, but the way out of the emergency mode literally exists, and it is quite simple.

First of all, it is necessary to analyze the situation that provoked an emergency at work. It is likely that the reason for the high workload was the systematic avoidance of sluggish work duties over a long period of time. There is a strict rule that every task must be solved in a timely manner, and if it is not followed, rush jobs arise. In this case, a single plan should be drawn up, starting with the most difficult and difficult tasks. Every working day must be started with them. To save time, you can use the help of employees from other departments.
However, there are opposite situations, when workload arises due to the departure of one of the colleagues on vacation or at the end of the year before submitting reports. These cases can also be anticipated and consistently prepared for large volumes. In this case, it is necessary to inform the management that additional labor resources are needed to complete the assigned tasks. So, specialists from other structural divisions of the company can be involved in the work.
It has been proven that rush jobs at work are often the result of an illiterate distribution of working time. At the same time, the employee can be completely sure that he is doing his job effectively and is making every effort. In fact, it turns out that the mass of the applied forces gives a minimum result. And all this is only because a specialist does not know how to correctly distribute his working time.
The laws of a competent distribution of working time are based on starting the most difficult tasks in the morning. All telephone conversations and business meetings should be attributed to this time. The second half of the day is good for solving simple problems and analytical work. Brain activity at this time is at its peak, so this time is optimal for drafting documents and work that requires accuracy and care.
In turn, the wrong way to solve the problem is to refuse rest, meals and even weekends. An organism loaded with continuous work works worse, brain activity slows down, which as a result leads to an unsatisfactory quality of work and an increase in the time spent on its implementation. Lunch time is necessary not only for eating, but also for a break from the work environment. Therefore, it is recommended to leave the office during lunchtime and go out into the fresh air. Oxygen will allow you to maintain brain activity in the desired mode, and a break from the work process will give you the opportunity to relax.
If you cannot refuse to work at home, it is necessary to distribute the volume into small parts and, without overworking the body, perform them strictly in portions. At the same time, at least one day off a week must be given for a good rest.