Each type of document in our country has certain requirements, including the photographs on them. Sometimes you can get confused in all the variety of types of photographs, and to prevent this from happening, you need to understand where and what photographs are needed.

Photo for passport and biometric foreign passport
Passport photographs are taken according to very strict rules. Black and white or color photographs should be 35x45 mm. The face on them must be strictly full-face without a headdress and tinted glasses.
A headdress is allowed only if the person belongs to religious movements in which it is impossible to appear in public without a headdress. But at the same time, the headdress should not distort or hide the oval of the face.
Glasses without tinted lenses are also allowed if the person wears them all the time.
Photo for passport
Personal photograph in this document must be in black and white or in color in an oval frame. Particularly strict rules are imposed on it.
The dimensions of the photographs must be 37x47 mm + 2 mm of stock. After cropping, the photo will become 35x45 mm. The distance from the lower point of the chin to the conditional horizontal line drawn through the pupils of the eyes should be 12 + 1 mm. The upper space above the head must be at least 5 + 1 mm.
If after the shooting there were significant changes in the face, then the photo is not allowed and you will have to redo it
Personal photographs are taken strictly in full face without distorting the face with facial expressions, hats, tinted glasses and other means. It is necessary to be photographed in a plain suit or dress.
The photo should be free of harsh highlights and lowered contrast and sharpness. There should be no facial distortion and blurring. The photo should always be sharp, clear and with medium contrast.
The thickness of the photo paper should be less than 0.3 mm. The presence of any defects and retouching is unacceptable on paper. It should be clean and free from blemishes.
Photo requirements for the Green Card application form
The person in the photograph should look into the lens, without tilting or turning the head, which should occupy half of the area. The background should be neutral and the photo should be sharp. The photo does not allow the use of tinted glasses, hats without religious motives and military uniforms.
Before being sent to the lottery, the photo file must have a JPEG format, a maximum size of 240 KB, 24-bit color, a resolution of 150 dpi and a photo size of 600x600 pixels.
In all other cases or in case of violation of these rules, photos for any documents will not be accepted. Usually photographers in studios always know their business and have a memo on the requirements for photography.