In most schools, high school students take a vocational guidance test, but its results not only do not help some, but are even more confused. What is the point of such tests and how much should you believe their results?

Step 1
As a rule, vocational guidance tests are very different - from small, containing 20-30 questions and able to reveal only more or less gravitation towards very conditionally outlined areas of activity, to detailed questionnaires, which can take several hours to complete. With the help of such questionnaires, a variety of aspects of the personality are investigated - interests, stress resistance, attentiveness to details.
Step 2
There are vocational guidance tests that, after passing them, recommend the respondent to work in specific professions. They are hardly reliable. Such tests can simultaneously give out that the respondent should become a florist, kindergarten teacher, biochemist, etc.
Step 3
The best option is tests that "suggest" only the area in which it is worth working. For example - management (management), analytics, administrative work. The respondent will naturally choose a profession on his own, but at least he will know what he has more or less inclination - to administrative or analytical work, for example.
Step 4
Complex psychological tests will allow you to learn more not only about the most suitable field of application of strength, but also about the presence of important qualities for a particular profession. If the result of such a test shows a low level of attention to detail, then the respondent should not engage in administrative work (it is certainly not worth going into logistics).
Step 5
Career guidance tests are usually intended for adults and adolescents from the age of 14. In adolescence, priorities often change, a personality is formed, so it makes sense to take a vocational guidance test every year from grades 9 to 11 - this will allow you to change the direction of profile education in time, at least at the school level (for example, to move from a humanitarian class to a math class).
Step 6
Professional consultants will help you to correctly "decipher" the results of the vocational guidance test. They will not only explain what this or that indicator means, but also talk about the essence of the professions. This is very suitable for a teenager - hardly a person aged 14-16 has an idea of what a lawyer or quality consultant does. You can talk to professional consultants at some recruiting agencies or at the Center for Testing and Development at Moscow State University "Humanitarian Technologies".