Today, it is not uncommon for a consumer to buy a product they like, and in a week it breaks, breaks or fails due to a factory defect. In this case, the consumer is entitled to a refund of the value of the goods. To do this, he needs to make a claim on the quality of the goods.

- - goods for the quality of which there are claims
- - documents confirming the purchase of this product
- - paper
- - pen
Step 1
Fill out the "header" of the document. In the upper right corner of the A4 sheet, a "cap" is written - to whom (for example, the general director or store manager), where (name of the store), from whom (name, address and telephone number of the originator of the claim).
Step 2
Write the name of the document. Further, in the center of the sheet, indicate the name of the document with a capital letter without putting a dot - "Claim" or "Application".
Step 3
Write a claim text - Typically, a claim begins with a story about what was bought, how many, and at what price. For example, on June 15, 2011, I bought a phone in the Electro store for 15 320 rubles. Next, you must describe the malfunction or other reason for the complaint. For example, after 10 days of its operation, the phone stopped receiving incoming calls. After that, the consumer must refer to the legislation and express the essence of his claim. For example, according to Article 29 of the Consumer Protection Law, I have the opportunity to return a defective product within 14 days. And at the end of the text of the claim, you should definitely indicate the further actions and intentions of the consumer. For example, if you do not return the full cost of the phone to me or change it to a similar working device, I will have to go to court to recover the cost of the phone and moral damage from the store.
Step 4
Sign and complete your claim, like any other official document, with a signature and date.
Step 5
List the required applications. The last line in the claim should list the applications - copies of the sales receipt or, if there is a cash register receipt, warranty card, as well as other documents confirming the malfunction. These documents should also be enclosed in a letter to the company's management.