DDoS And Liability For It

DDoS And Liability For It
DDoS And Liability For It

Like any cybercrime, DDoS (Denial of Service) attacks are the scourge of the modern Internet. It is impossible to name a resource that would not have suffered from DDoS, and it is impossible to immediately say with certainty who exactly carried out the attack. The reasons can be completely different: revenge, jealousy, the desire to unsettle a competitor, and others.

DDoS and liability for it
DDoS and liability for it

The most interesting thing is that such crimes most often remain behind a screen of secrecy: a person is either afraid to go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or simply does not want to do it, unfairly believing that the attacker will not launch an attack next time. There are entire illegal companies and associations of hackers on the Internet that carry out DDoS attacks on a custom-made basis.

Responsibility for DDoS is established by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as other legislation of the country in which the attacker lives. In the Russian Federation, liability for DDoS is usually established by Articles 272 "Unlawful Access to Computer Information" and 273 "Creation, Use and Distribution of Malicious Computer Programs", which establish appropriate criminal liability for this crime.

There is one peculiarity in DDoS - these attacks are sometimes carried out by persons 16 or 17 years old (the so-called "school attacks"). The sum of one breakfast is usually enough to "fill up" a large resource with all the ensuing consequences. Persons who at the date of the crime were 14 years old can only be criminally liable under the articles specified in paragraph 2 of Article 20 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "The age at which criminal responsibility occurs."

The same article 20 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation establishes that any offender bears criminal responsibility from the age of 16. It must be taken into account that a minor is a person who, at the time of the commission of the crime, turned 14, but not 18 years old. This provision is established by paragraph 1 of Article 87 of Chapter 14 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Article 88 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of the same chapter establishes the types of punishments that can be applied to minors.

Usually DDoS occurs from a zombie network - a group of infected servers that together create a rather large flow of information, sometimes reaching hundreds of gigabits per second. Only Kaspersky Lab or the Qrator network can cope with such a pressure of information, and even then not always. But Amazon owners may have a particularly hard time: the system will withstand the attack, but the amount of payment for traffic will be very large.

If the attack is carried out from one computer, then the damage may not amount to. Sometimes DDoS is performed on MAC addresses with the aim of disabling the system, as well as leaving the server for several hours (if not days). Interestingly, denial-of-service attacks have recently become shorter but powerful at the same time. This is forcing manufacturers and service providers to improve security systems.
