Few people noticed that the Soviet registration institute had disappeared. Instead, in Russia there is a compulsory registration of citizens at the place of residence. But not everyone lives where they were born. It is for people who have temporarily or permanently moved to another city, there is an opportunity to issue a temporary registration. But why and when is it needed?

First you need to understand what registration is. This is a procedure carried out by a special authority, the purpose of which is both to help citizens in the exercise of their rights and public safety. The main document confirming registration is a passport - it is stamped on a special page with information about the address the person lives in. Without registration, a person's life becomes much more complicated. He is not assigned to a specific polling station, which complicates the voting procedure for him. Also, since registration is a mandatory procedure, a person who does not have it can be fined by the police in accordance with the law. But in addition to permanent registration, there is also a temporary registration. What is it? This is also a form of posting a person to a specific place of residence, but for a limited time. For example, if a person leaves to study in another city and settles in a hostel, a temporary registration is made for him for the duration of his life there. A person cannot have two permanent registrations, but a temporary registration can also be issued for a person with a permanent stamp in his passport. This is the convenience of this type of registration - there is no need to deregister at the main place of residence. A temporary registration gives almost the same opportunities as a permanent one. Perhaps the only difference is that this type of registration does not give a person the opportunity to apply for permanent residence where he is registered. He has the right to this only during the validity of the registration. In a certain situation, a person who already has a permanent registration stamp must also receive a temporary one. This is necessary if you are going to move to another city for more than three months. It is especially necessary to strictly follow this rule in Moscow, because the police check passports there much more often than in other cities and regions.