How To File A Divorce Of Spouses

How To File A Divorce Of Spouses
How To File A Divorce Of Spouses

Table of contents:


Many couples have circumstances when life together becomes unbearable, when you have nothing to talk about with your spouse, when you can firmly say that this is not the person with whom I am ready to meet old age. If you have consciously come to the conclusion that everything is over, then only one thing awaits you - a divorce. How exhausting this process will be is up to you.

How to file a divorce of spouses
How to file a divorce of spouses


Family Code of the Russian Federation, application to the registry office, passport


Step 1

First you need to understand the grounds for divorce, provided for by the Family Code of the Russian Federation. A marriage will be legally considered dissolved if one of the spouses is declared dead by the court, and if one of the spouses decides to dissolve the marriage and the request is granted by the registry office or, in some cases, by the court.

Step 2

Take the Family Code of the Russian Federation. Open article 18, which is devoted to the procedure for divorce. Read carefully, because he who is forewarned is armed.

Step 3

Next, you need to draw up an application for divorce. Take a sample application at the registry office at the place of residence or marriage registration. After that, draw up a statement, which must be drawn up mutually, which confirms your joint desire to dissolve the marriage.

Step 4

If, for some reason, you alone cannot be present at the registry office for a divorce, you can submit a special petition, and your trustee or lawyer will be able to represent your interests. After you have submitted your application, you have to wait a month - this is how much the registry office staff consider your documents.

Step 5

If one of the spouses does not agree to a divorce, the case is considered by the court. Also, if you have minor children, your divorce will only be considered in court. In this case, the process can take three months.
