Some people have difficult and unpleasant situations when it is necessary to make tough and firm decisions even in relation to seemingly closest and dearest people. The eviction of a relative refers precisely to such cases. Before contacting law enforcement, talk to the person you want to evict. Convince him to voluntarily leave the occupied living space. If you wish, threaten him that if he does not do this, appropriate measures will be taken, up to and including a wearable eviction with the use of physical force.

Step 1
Eviction from a relative's apartment is associated with the emergence of family scandals and resentment. Try as gently as possible to ask the person to leave their apartment and find a separate place for yourself. If a person is adequate, then he will perfectly understand that for many years it is impossible to hang on the neck of other people. After all, you can always go to rent an apartment. Fortunately, at the moment the apartment rental market in any city offers a wide range of housing in various price categories. If the evicted relative is employed, then it will not be difficult to find a rented apartment at a suitable price.
Step 2
There are especially difficult cases when a request to move out of an apartment provokes a real conflict. If you are under physical or psychological pressure, immediately contact the law enforcement agencies, which will take all necessary measures to calm down the raging tenant. Eviction will be much easier if your relative is not registered and does not have any inheritance rights to your apartment or house. In this case, contact the appropriate state authorities, which will put moral pressure on your relative, and he himself will leave the illegally occupied area.
Step 3
If you have any problems with the eviction of a relative, contact a lawyer for legal advice. An experienced lawyer will assess the prospect of the outcome of litigation in your favor. It will also announce the approximate amount that you will spend on various government fees and numerous paid certificates and copies. In this regard, try your best to evict from the apartment amicably and on a voluntary basis without involving the judiciary. Then you will not only maintain a positive relationship with your relative, but also save a lot of financial resources.