Pregnancy brings major changes to every woman's life. Therefore, when preparing to become a mother, she needs to think in advance how to arrange the upcoming changes in such a way that the joy of having a child is not accompanied by upset about unfinished business at work or anxiety about keeping a job. To avoid problems with the employer in the future and to reserve the position held, you need to properly arrange maternity leave. And this process should start with a statement.

Step 1
Prepare a statement addressed to the director of the company in simple written form, in accordance with the current document flow rules. To do this, take a standard A4 sheet and write in the upper right corner, in the place reserved for indicating the addressee (usually the director of the organization) and the sender, the position of the person authorized to resolve such issues, his last name, first name and patronymic. Here, observing the format "to" and "from whom", indicate the structural unit of the enterprise (in which you work), your position and full name (you can use the last name and initials).
Step 2
In the central part of the sheet, write the name of the document "Application". Describe the essence of the appeal, starting with the phrase "Please provide me with maternity leave" and indicate the start and end dates required by the law for maternity leave. The next paragraph of the application should contain a request for payment of the benefits owed, also starting with the words "Please". The following are the reasons for granting you maternity leave. It can be a sick leave and a certificate from the antenatal clinic indicating the number and date of compilation of each of the attached documents.
Step 3
Sign the application, date it and decipher the signature, indicating your surname and initials in brackets.
Register the finished application with the secretary as an incoming document and submit it to the management of the enterprise.