A party has the right to receive information about the progress of the case and copies of the documents available in the case materials. Failure to provide information about the stated requirements prejudices the procedural interests of the defendant. Such actions can be committed intentionally or due to the unfair performance of their duties by the court personnel. If the subpoena was served on an unknown dispute, you should proceed as follows:

Step 1
Find out in which court and with which judge the case is pending.
Step 2
Call the assistant or secretary of the judge, set a time to get acquainted with the materials of the case. Write an application for familiarization with the case to the name of the judge. Upon review, you have the right to remove photocopies from all documents.
Step 3
Ask for copies of all documents from the case file during the trial. In this case, the judge will postpone the consideration of the case, set a deadline for the submission of documents. The defendant, at the stage of preparing the case for the hearing, sends its objections to the arguments of the plaintiff. For the purpose of correct and timely consideration of the case, the court sends copies of documents to all participants in the process. Lack of information prevents the defendant from defending his rights.
Step 4
On the official website of the court on the Internet, you can get general information about the requirements presented, about the names of the parties.