How To Formalize Your Share Of The Inheritance

How To Formalize Your Share Of The Inheritance
How To Formalize Your Share Of The Inheritance

Table of contents:


You can become an heir by will or by law. With any right of inheritance, it is necessary to submit an application to a notary about the desire to accept the inheritance within 6 months from the date of the death of the testator. If there is a will for the inheritance, then each heir receives his share in accordance with the will. If there is no will and the inheritance is formalized according to the law, all property is divided equally among the heirs.

How to formalize your share of the inheritance
How to formalize your share of the inheritance


  • -the passport
  • -statement
  • - death certificate of the testator
  • -certificate from the place of residence of the testator
  • -a document confirming relationship with the testator
  • - testament (if any)
  • - documents of title to real estate
  • - BTI certificate on the value of the property and the plan of the building or apartment
  • - issuing a personal account
  • -extract from the house book
  • -certificate from the tax office
  • - Help from the housing department


Step 1

To formalize your share of the inheritance, after the death of the testator, you need to contact a notary at the location of the most valuable share of the inheritance. Write a statement about the desire to enter into the rights of the heir and submit documents for the inherited property, documents of the testator and documents confirming the relationship with the testator. This must be done no later than within 6 months from the date of death of the testator. If this deadline is missed, then it will be possible to formalize your share of the inheritance only in court.

Step 2

After the documents are submitted to the notary, he starts the inheritance case and after 6 months issues a certificate of his share of the inheritance to each heir. It must be registered at the registration center and receive a title deed. But all this happens when the heirs can agree on the division of property peacefully.

Step 3

If the heirs cannot agree among themselves, and someone believes that he is entitled to a large share, then an application should be submitted to the court for the division of the inheritance between the heirs in court.

Step 4

If a will is drawn up on the inheritance and only the names that can inherit the property are indicated in it, then it is divided among the heirs voluntarily or through a court. If one of the heirs does not want to enter into inheritance rights, then he writes a statement of refusal to accept the inheritance, and indicates in whose favor his share should be credited, and if he does not indicate, then his share is to be divided equally among all heirs.

Step 5

A certificate of inheritance cannot be obtained after 6 months if another heir is to be born, who was conceived during the life of the testator. In this situation, all heirs are forced to wait for the outcome of the birth and only then divide the inheritance.

Step 6

In cases where the will is drawn up, the heirs are indicated, but minors, incapacitated or partially capable, are not indicated in the will, then they have the right to a share of the inheritance, regardless of the fact that they were not mentioned in the will.
