The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation considers appeals from citizens only in cases where refusals have already been received in a positive decision of the case by courts of all levels, since it is the highest judicial body in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It is impossible to write an application to the Supreme Court and send it by mail. To consider your case, you need to write a statement of claim in the established form and submit it, along with other documents, to authorized employees of the Supreme Court apparatus in a reception room specially opened for these purposes.

Step 1
The procedure for applying citizens to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation requires a personal appeal to the reception office with a ready-made statement of claim of the established form and a package of court documents. Their compliance with the requirements of the current legislation is checked by the staff of the court staff before taking your claim for consideration. Therefore, you should carefully prepare for the visit.
Step 2
Read and download a sample application for invalidating a regulatory legal act or other form of appeal posted on the official website of the Supreme Court (link at the end of the article). On the page that opens, select a sample of the document you need from the menu on the right. Fill out in accordance with court filing requirements, print and sign.
Step 3
Pay the state fee. Its size and payment procedure is determined depending on the category of the case. Prepare a package of court documents, a statement of claim for submission to the Supreme Court and a receipt for payment of state duty. In addition, to visit the Reception, you will need to present your identity document. So don't forget your passport.
If you have any questions about applying to the Supreme Court, please contact one of the indicated telephone numbers for clarification.
Step 4
Please select a time to visit the Supreme Court Reception Room after reviewing its opening hours. There is no preliminary appointment at the Reception of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, so you should tune in to a visit and an appointment at the specified hours.
Step 5
With a prepared package of court documents and an identity card, contact the Reception Office of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation to review your case. Employees of the court apparatus will consider your complaint and documents for compliance with the requirements of procedural legislation and inform about the procedure for further actions.