When the courts of all instances have been passed, and the conclusions of the judges have not been challenged, there is still hope that the situation will be resolved by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. Reconsideration of the case in such an instance gives hope for the correction of judicial errors. But here the question arises of how an ordinary citizen of the Russian Federation can do this. Chapter 41 of Article 376 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation guarantees citizens the right to appeal to a supervisory court for the protection of their rights violated by court decisions.

Step 1
To begin with, prepare a package of documents for applying to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. Check out the procedure for appealing court decisions established by current legislation on the website of the Supreme Court of Russia. Create a letter of appeal appropriate to your situation.
Step 2
Fill out the state fee receipt. You can calculate its size, fill in and print, using the new service located here https://www.vsrf.ru/calc.php/. Pay the fee and attach the receipt to the prepared package of documents. Check it for compliance with the requirements for the content and form of documents submitted for consideration to the Supreme Court
Step 3
Choose a time according to the presented schedule for the reception of citizens by employees of the apparatus of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, who will accept your application or complaint and check the package of court documents provided by you for compliance with procedural legislation. There is no appointment here, so plan your visit based on the suggested reception opening times.
Step 4
For a direct appeal to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, come at the indicated hours to the reception, located at the address Moscow, Povarskaya Street, 13, with a prepared package of documents and a complaint or application drawn up in accordance with the proposed samples. In order to get to the appointment, you will need an ID. Now you can be sure that your appeal will be forwarded to the appropriate department within 24 hours after receiving the package of documents.