The current version of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation does not allow to split an account in a municipal or privatized apartment. But there is an opportunity to privatize housing and share the responsibilities of the owners of shares to pay utility bills. This can be done by a voluntary agreement of the owners or to determine the procedure for paying for utilities through the court.

- - a package of documents for the privatization of an apartment;
- - an agreement on the procedure for paying utility bills or going to court to determine this procedure.
Step 1
Until 2013, municipal housing can be privatized free of charge. But on condition that none of the participants in the privatization had previously exercised this right.
Those wishing to privatize a municipal apartment should contact the privatization agency with an application, an extract from the house book, and a financial and personal account. Those who are registered in the apartment, but do not want to participate in its privatization, must write a refusal and certify it with a notary or personally sign it when other tenants submit documents for privatization in the presence of an agency employee.
If a participant in the procedure changed addresses after 1991, he will have to stock up on certificates from all previous places of registration that he did not participate in privatization there.
Step 2
After the privatization of the apartment, the owners have the right to agree on who should pay what part of the bills for utility services. With normal relations between them and the fulfillment of each of their obligations, oral agreements are sufficient. But it's better to put them on paper and sign them. It is not necessary to verify the signatures with a notary.
Step 3
If it is not possible to reach an agreement, any of the owners has the right to file a claim with the court, where they propose their own procedure for distributing accounts between the owners. Each fact cited in the claim must be documented.
Step 4
If there is an agreement or a court decision, the owners who regularly make payments in accordance with the procedure prescribed in this document may, in disputable situations, redirect all claims to those who do not fulfill these obligations.