The purchase agreement is a document of title that confirms the purchase of an apartment. In case of damage or loss of a document, it can be restored by receiving a duplicate at the FUGRTS, from a notary or photocopying from a seller who has a second copy.

- - a duplicate of the agreement from the notary's office;
- - duplicate from FUGRTS;
- - a photocopy from the seller;
- - a certificate from the BTI;
- - a certificate from the tax office.
Step 1
If you have lost the contract of purchase and sale for the purchase of an apartment, but at the same time concluded it in a notary office, contact the notary at the place of registration of the document. Pay the service fee. You will be given a duplicate within a short period of time.
Step 2
If the agreement is lost, but the state registration of property rights was carried out according to it, which began to be carried out on January 31, 1998 on the basis of the Federal Law No. 122-F3 on the unified registration of transactions with real estate, which entered into force, apply to the FUGRTS. A photocopy of all submitted documents remained at the registration center, on the basis of which the state registration of property rights was carried out. You pay the state fee, you will be given a photocopy of the document, certified by the FUGRTS seal.
Step 3
From January 1, 1996, the execution of any contracts was allowed to be made in simple writing. If you did not contact a notary and did not formalize property rights due to the fact that the law on single registration entered into force two years later, then you can restore the lost or damaged contract in only one way. Find your salesperson and ask for a photocopy of his copy of the contract.
Step 4
If it is impossible to find the seller of the apartment and get a second copy of the contract for making a photocopy, then you will not be able to get a duplicate of the sales contract anywhere. In this case, for documentary confirmation that you are a user of the apartment, contact the BTI and write an application for the issuance of a certificate of the owner of the apartment.
Step 5
A change in the owner of an apartment is always registered with the district tax office for the calculation of income tax in the name of the new owner. The tax office will not be able to issue you a duplicate of the contract, since it is simply not there, but it is very possible to confirm that you are a taxpayer and the periods that you pay tax. Therefore, contact the indicated authority and ask for a certificate confirming the payment of taxes.