Recreational fishing is regulated by the relevant regulations. Knowing what is allowed to the angler and what is not allows you to spend time by the reservoir without the fear of engaging in an unpleasant dialogue with the fishery inspector.

Step 1
Russia is actively discussing a new draft law on recreational fishing, which should come into force on January 1, 2013. Until the law comes into force, you should be guided by the current regulations.
Step 2
Recreational fishing is regulated by the following legal documents: - Federal Law of 10.01.2002 N 7-FZ "On Environmental Protection." - Federal Law of 20.12.2004 N 166-FZ "On Fishing and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources" (as amended on 03.12.2008) In addition, in many regions there are local regulations that determine the rules for fishing in specific water bodies.
Step 3
According to federal law, recreational fishing does not require special permits that are not included in the number stipulated in the law itself. A permit may be required if the body of water is privately owned or belongs to a fishing site. A permit is also required for fishing in areas of water bodies specially provided for the organization of recreational and sport fishing.
Step 4
The list of aquatic biological resources, the extraction of which is permitted in a particular water body, is established by the executive authority in charge of regulation in the field of fishing and conservation of aquatic biological resources. Fishing is prohibited in nature reserves and during the spawning season.
Step 5
Amateurs are allowed to fish with float rods, spinning rods, circles, girders (no more than 5 pieces) and other tackle, provided that the number of hooks on the tackle used does not exceed 10 pieces. It is allowed to catch no more than five kilograms of fish per day. The only exception is the capture of large fish, the weight of which exceeds the specified norm.
Step 6
In addition to limiting the daily catch, there is a limit on the total catch - no more than two daily norms can be withdrawn from the reservoir, that is, 10 kg. There are also exceptions here: you can take out more fish if it comes to low-value species such as bleak, gudgeon and ruff. Underwater fishing is allowed using harpoon guns, but there is one limitation - you cannot use scuba gear and other breathing apparatus.
Step 7
It is prohibited to use explosives and poisonous substances, firearms, stockades and other fishing gear that injure fish. The very presence of such fishing gear near the reservoir may entail prosecution. It is forbidden to build dams, use loops. For fishing with prohibited tackle, a fine is imposed, all tackle and catch are withdrawn. If significant damage is caused to a body of water, a criminal case may be initiated.