The procedure for notification of a court decision depends on the participation of the person in the court session at which the given judicial act was passed. In addition, such notices have some peculiarities in civil and arbitration proceedings.

Regardless of participation in court hearings, any party to the civil, arbitration process is notified of the decision. This notification is a guarantee of the adversarial principle of the parties, since the participant in the proceedings who does not agree with the decision made has the opportunity to appeal against it, which is difficult to do without the presence of the text of the adopted judicial act. The easiest way to find out about the content of a court decision is to be present at the hearing, since when making a decision, the judge reads out its operative part. In addition, a participant in the process can independently call the court office or the secretary of a particular judge in order to obtain information about the decision.
How the court of general jurisdiction is notified of the decision
In a civil proceeding, a court decision is announced to the parties immediately after its adoption. However, the judge reads out only the operative part of this decision, since the legislation gives him a five-day period to produce its full version. After the decision is made in the final form, this act is sent to all persons involved in the case. The distribution of court decisions is also given five days from the date of their complete production. In this case, the decision is sent to all persons, including those citizens who did not directly participate in the court sessions, but whose rights were affected by this judicial act and who were assigned certain responsibilities.
How the decision of the arbitral tribunal is notified
The arbitration court also announces immediately after the session only the operative part of the decision. The court is given a five-day period to produce the full version. In the same period after the publication of the judicial act, copies of it are sent to all persons involved in the case. It should be noted that usually, after the arbitration court makes a decision, the electronic version of the latter is promptly published in the general information system, so the participants in the process can learn about this act on their own before receiving its paper copy. If a person needs to re-issue a copy of the decision made, the receipt of it must be paid a state fee, since a single copy is sent free of charge. In addition, in case of repeated appeal, you will need to submit a special application to the court office with documents confirming the payment of the fee.