Guardianship (guardianship) is one of the priority forms of placing a child in upbringing. Guardians take full responsibility for the child on the rights of parents, perform all the functions of parents and protect the rights and obligations of the minor. Guardianship is established over children under 14 years old, guardianship - from 14 to 18 years old.

- -application to the guardianship and guardianship authorities
- -the passport
- -certificate from the place of residence about the composition of the family
- -certificate from the child's place of residence
- -Characteristics of the guardian from the place of residence
- - household characteristics from the housing department
- - certificate of income
- - medical opinion on the health status of the guardian
- -copy and original of the marriage certificate of the guardian
- -documents about the absence of parents in the child
- - parental consent to custody (if they are alive but incapacitated)
- - birth certificate of the child and its copy
- -passport for a child over 14 years old
- -certificate on the child's health
- -certificate from the child's educational institution
- -characteristic per child
- - act of examination of the living conditions of the guardian
- - autobiography of the guardian
- - act of examination of the living conditions of the child
- - consent of the guardian's family members to guardianship
- -certificate from the department of social protection on the termination of the payment of child benefits
Step 1
Guardianship is established in the absence of parents for children, if parents are deprived of parental rights or evade raising children and protecting their rights and interests, as well as if the child's parents are incapacitated. A guardian or curator can only be appointed with the consent of the child.
Step 2
Close relatives - grandmothers and grandfathers, spouses, adult children and grandchildren, brothers and sisters - may enjoy the preferential right to formalize custody or guardianship.
Step 3
The guardian or caregiver is paid monthly money to support the child. The amount and procedure for payment is established by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
Step 4
Guardians and trustees cannot be:
- persons deprived of parental rights or limited in these rights by a court decision
- removed from guardianship or trusteeship for failure to fulfill the obligations imposed by law
- former adoptive parents upon cancellation of the adoption by the court
- persons who have been convicted of a crime against the life and health of citizens
- persons who have a list of diseases for which it is forbidden to adopt or take care of children
Step 5
The list of diseases for which custody, guardianship or adoption of children is prohibited:
- tuberculosis of all forms
- diseases of internal organs, nervous system, musculoskeletal system
-oncological diseases
- drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism
-infectious diseases
- mental illness
-disability of 1 and 2 groups
Step 6
When appointing a guardian, the personal and moral qualities of a person, the attitude of family members towards the child, the desire of the child himself and many other factors are taken into account.
Step 7
For registration of guardianship or trusteeship, it is necessary to apply to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities with an application and a package of necessary documents.
Step 8
After checking your documents, you will be given a decision whether custody or guardianship is possible or not.