For the correct organization of the work of the enterprise, a specialist in the personnel department must maintain various documentation, including timesheets. All changes to such documents must be made in accordance with the instructions of the regulatory authorities.

Step 1
Specify what information needs to be entered on the employee time sheet. Such a document specifies overtime work of employees, vacations, business trips, training in refresher courses, shorter working hours due to public holidays, truancy, strikes and other situations in which the normal work schedule changes.
Step 2
Prepare a document confirming this or that change in the employee's work schedule. For example, it could be a vacation schedule or sick leave.
Step 3
Record changes to the timesheet. Write in the first column the surname and name of the employee, in the second - the number of hours that he worked additionally or missed. In the last column, write down the reason for the change in the schedule. For each of them, there is an alphabetic or numeric code. A list of such codes can be found in the "Regulations on time records", as well as on various Internet sites for HR specialists.
Step 4
Every month, count the total number of additional hours worked, as well as hours missed, and enter them in the columns of the table provided for this. The finished document must be signed by the HR officer responsible for maintaining the timesheet. Start a new timesheet at the beginning of each month.
Step 5
If you need to make a correction to an already drawn up timesheet, carefully cross out the incorrect text and write down the information that corresponds to reality next to it. The correction should be certified with the entry "Believe corrected" and the signature of the responsible employee.