Career growth is the dream of every conscientious employee. However, many simply do not know what needs to be done to achieve career growth. Sometimes it becomes incomprehensible why some employees easily and quickly go for promotion, while others sit firmly in their usual place and cannot build a career in any way.

Step 1
If a person wants to succeed in his job and get a promotion, he needs to make every effort and try to define for himself the rules and style of behavior that will help him build a career.
Step 2
Never be late for your work. Even a slight tardiness will greatly reduce your chances of achieving career growth, as colleagues can report your tardiness to their superiors. Of course, one might think that coworkers are nice and kind people who will never do bad things. However, in any work collective, each employee pursues his own goals and interests. Be extremely punctual - stick to your work schedule.
Step 3
Get the boss's favor. This does not mean at all that you will have to fawn and loyally look into his eyes. Just come to work a little earlier, sometimes stay a couple of hours after it. If the boss sees what a conscientious employee you are, he will definitely think about a promotion.
Step 4
Tidy up your appearance. Remember to wear a good suit, shoes, and tie to work. It is worth taking care of the appropriate hairstyle. The appearance of an employee can tell a lot about him and create the visual appearance of a successful person.
Step 5
Continuously improve your professional level. Always try to learn something new in your specialty. You can attend specialized training courses. But the theoretical knowledge gained must also be applied in practice. Even if this is not your immediate responsibility, ask your boss to give you more authority and hands-on work. The boss must personally make sure that you are a hardworking and competent employee.
Step 6
If the employee is always neatly dressed, regularly perform his duties, try to develop in his profession, then the boss will certainly notice the zeal of the employee. If this suddenly does not happen, you can ask for an audience and talk to him about the promotion. There is no need to be afraid to ask for a pay rise or a new position, because if the boss does not fulfill the request, he will never do it again. In this case, it is better to look for another place of work, where you can hope for the prospect of career growth.