Some people ask this question, but most of them choose to work for hire. When you work for someone, you place control of your life in the hands of strangers, in the hands of your bosses. Now they decide for you what to do and what not, how to work, when to rest.

The reasons for such a choice may be the following: a problem in finances, a desire for stability, a desire to receive pension contributions, a fear of responsibility.
1. Fear of responsibility is the most common reason. Many, without even trying to do something, immediately give up. Such people are unlikely to ever achieve anything.
2. Financial problems. Starting a business often requires initial capital; many simply do not have this capital. But people sometimes do not know that large investments are not needed for the development of Internet commerce.
3. Another reason is stability. Everyone wants to have a stable job, but in reality this is just a myth. During a crisis, you may well be laid off. If you are hired, then you are offered a probationary period, after which they may be offered a position with a much lower salary than previously mentioned, or even refuse. You may also be fired simply because you did not like you, the boss is in a bad mood, or you are late. Constantly increasing inflation, regular wage delays, unfortunately, are not so rare. This situation can hardly be called stable and stable.
4. Pension fund. This myth completely covered almost the entire population. In fact, everything is far from rosy. The average salary is below the subsistence level, huge inflation, a decrease in the average life expectancy - these are the factors that simply prevent a person from receiving a normal pension in old age. The salaries of ordinary employees and workers offer a pension in old age, which is below the subsistence level, it is almost impossible to live on that kind of money. Therefore, the reason for pension contributions is far from the kind of prospect for which it is worth working in an unloved job.
Is it worth thinking about stability, retirement and employment, or is it still worth taking the risk, taking responsibility and doing your own business, which will allow you to independently regulate your financial needs and perhaps even allow you to make some kind of contributions that will subsequently bring passive earnings … Assessing the unstable situation in Russia and constant pension and social reforms, it is worth thinking about additional income now.