If you have always loved to read books, magazines, articles and are fluent in Russian, perhaps the work of an editor is for you. Working as an editor in a publishing house, you will be: responsible for checking the submitted manuscripts and their quality, reading a lot and thoughtfully, eliminating errors and giving constructive comments to authors, writing reviews and much more. But before you start working, you need to go through a few more steps.

Step 1
The first thing you need to be able to do is love to read. If you have difficulty reading quickly and thoughtfully, you will have to learn. A good editor should read a lot and in a fairly quick time frame. So speed reading courses can help you acquire the necessary skill.
Step 2
Ability to write a lot and competently. The editor has to not only read a lot, but also write. This includes correspondence with authors and publishers, reviews and, of course, the census of the manuscript itself. Often the editor has to work with the author on a manuscript and rewrite most of it. So hone your writing skills. Try to write every day.
Step 3
Expand your vocabulary. This skill is useful not only in publishing, but also in everyday life. To do this, read a lot of different literature. Buy or download a dictionary to your phone and read new words every day. Communicate with people of various professions and living standards, there are many opportunities for this, for example, special forums.
Step 4
Develop your curiosity. The craving for new things and ideas also broadens our horizons and our vocabulary, develops imagination and saturates the inquiring mind. If by nature you are not inquisitive, try to develop this quality by traveling, watching educational programs and trying new things. Try a new dish at least once a month.
Step 5
Learn to think clearly. The editor needs to be constant and creative almost at the same time. You must also be able to competently, briefly, clearly and clearly form your thought and convey it to the addressee.
Step 6
So, if you really developed your skills well and you have a special education, if not, then you will have to get it or at least take accelerated courses, write a resume and send it to the publisher. When choosing a publishing house, take into account its specifics, if the publishing house publishes fantasy, and you gravitate towards classical literature or encyclopedias, you should not go there. Choose your job wisely so that you enjoy it, then career growth will not be long in coming.