Without exaggeration, the chief accountant can be called the right hand of the head of the enterprise, because he is responsible for the finances of the organization, reports to the tax office and the pension fund. What exactly are the responsibilities of the chief accountant?

Step 1
Chief accountant sounds solid and honorable, but not all accountants are in a hurry to take this high position, because the chief accountant has a huge number of duties and responsibilities. The responsibilities of the chief accountant are established by special regulations, an employment contract with a specific enterprise and job descriptions. The list of responsibilities largely depends on the specifics of the organization's activities, but there are responsibilities that are unchanged for chief accountants of any enterprise.
Step 2
So one of the main duties of the chief accountant is to form the accounting policy of the organization - a document containing a set of accounting methods for a particular enterprise. To draw up this document, you must have a good knowledge of the legislation in the field of accounting and tax accounting, as well as the specifics of the company itself.
Step 3
Develop and approve a working chart of accounts, forms of internal accounting and reporting.
Step 4
The chief accountant also organizes the work of the accounting department, whose duties are primarily aimed at monitoring the correct execution of primary accounting documentation, the formation of accounting and tax reporting. The responsibilities of the chief accountant also include the management of accounting employees, control over the timely improvement of their qualifications.
Step 5
Form internal management reporting for management accounting purposes. It is on the basis of these data that the head makes the main management decisions.
Step 6
Optimize the taxation of the company in accordance with the current legislation. This duty requires the chief accountant to have impeccable knowledge of tax legislation.
Step 7
It is the chief accountant who is responsible for ensuring the timely transfer of taxes, pension contributions, contributions to extra-budgetary funds, repayment of debts to creditors, suppliers and contractors.
Step 8
In general, we can say that the chief accountant is responsible for the entire accounting department: if an ordinary accountant makes a mistake, the chief accountant will be responsible for it, whose duties are not limited only to a specific accounting area, but extend to all areas.