The work of any enterprise is impossible without employees. As a rule, to simplify the accounting of personnel movements, some employers use so-called personal files in the course of their business activities. In general, the concept of "personal file" means a kind of archive containing all personal data about a working employee. The use of such an accounting system is not necessary for legal entities, but for state institutions, personal files are a mandatory item.

Step 1
As a rule, when applying for a job, an employee writes an application for employment. You, agreeing to accept him for the position, draw up an order (order) for acceptance. Next, make copies of all documents, for example, from a passport, from a marriage certificate, etc.
Step 2
At this point, make up a personal file. Please note that separate folders must be created for each employee. Make copies of all orders, such as a job order. You will also need copies from the work book, education document, that is, all copies of the documents you have available for the employee.
Step 3
After all copies have been made, file them. Please note that this case will increase as you work. That is, if orders are issued against this employee, for example, an order for a promotion, an order to appoint a responsible person, an order to grant leave, etc., then you will need to make copies of them and file them to your personal file in chronological order … This applies to all HR documents in relation to the employee.
Step 4
Make an internal inventory so that you can easily familiarize yourself with the contents of the case. It is also filled in chronological order. All documents in the inventory must have a serial number, date of compilation, title, number of sheets, and, possibly, some kind of note.
Step 5
The personal files of employees should be kept by a responsible person appointed by order of the head. Corrections are allowed only by the hand of this person in charge, and information can be viewed only in the presence of this person.
Step 6
When dismissing an employee, close his personal file, that is, summarize, number the sheets, write the total number of pages, sew everything and submit it to the archive of the organization, while completing the delivery list.