Almost every manager can face the problem of how to fire a negligent employee. Many bosses find it psychologically difficult to do this.

Step 1
To get started, just talk to the employee and find out the reason for his ineffective activities. Frank conversation will allow problems and reasons why he himself does not want to be fired. Define your requirements, analyze with him the actual results and convince him that his further stay in this workplace is meaningless both for the company and for himself. Often, after such frank conversations, the employee himself decides to quit of his own free will. In this case, the employment contract is terminated at the mutual request of the parties.
Step 2
If in the course of such conversations it was not possible to convince the employee of the need to dismiss him, wait until the expiration of the term of the employment contract. If you do not want to cooperate with such a person anymore, do not renew the contract. In such a situation, please note that you must notify the employee at least three days in advance of your intentions.
Step 3
The situation is a little different when the employment contract is drawn up for an indefinite period, and the employee does not want to quit of his own free will. In this case, you will have to exercise the employer's right to fire him under the disciplinary action. To apply this type of sanction, first ask the employee for a written explanation indicating the reasons for his violations. If he does not provide it to you within two days, draw up an appropriate act.
Step 4
Termination of an employment contract on the initiative of the head is carried out in accordance with Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The reason for dismissal must comply with the regulations, otherwise the employee has the right to demand reinstatement to the position in court. In some cases, in order to avoid writing in the work book about dismissal under the article, the employee, after being notified of the possibility of terminating the contract on this occasion, can write a letter of resignation himself. In this case, the task of the manager is greatly simplified.