In the epistolary genre, as, indeed, in any other, there is a certain ethics of behavior, rules, on the implementation of which depends how your letter will be perceived, how it will be answered and whether it will be answered at all. When you write a business letter, you need to be especially careful and attentive.

It is necessary
computer or paper and pen
Step 1
Think about the purpose for which you are writing a letter, to whom you are addressing it, what you expect as a result of its consideration.
Step 2
A business letter must necessarily contain a heading that briefly informs the recipient of what the letter will be about. A letter without a header can be mistaken for spam or simply not pay attention to it, and then it will not even be read.
Step 3
It is best to find out the name and patronymic of the person to whom you are going to address your message. Such attention will be appreciated by the addressee. If you know the name of the addressee, at the beginning of the letter, contact him.
Step 4
If you still do not know the addressee's name, just say hello or address the entire team: "dear edition", "dear employees of OAO Gazprom."
Step 5
You can also use the position of the person to whom you are addressing the letter: "Dear Mr. Director / Head of Department / Editor-in-Chief". Don't use abbreviations like "Mr." instead of "Mr.". This can be viewed as disrespectful.
Step 6
Never put exclamation marks after a call. Instead, put a comma: "Dear Anna Davydovna, …", "Hello, Alexey, …".
Step 7
Start the next line after addressing with a small letter.