An entry in the work book about part-time work is made at the request of the employee. It is done at the main place of work, observing certain rules.

It is necessary
Help on part-time work
Step 1
Assign a sequential number to the record (column 1). In column 2, put the current date. Write it down in Arabic numerals in the following sequence: number - 2 characters, month - 2 characters, year - 4 characters. For example, 2011-01-08. Use this format when specifying any date in your work book.
Step 2
In column 3 "Information about hiring, transfer to another permanent job, qualifications, dismissal" write "Hired (accepted) for a part-time job …". Next, indicate the name of the employer, the name of the department and the position. In column 4, indicate the document on the basis of which the employee is enrolled in the state. This name must be accurate and complete, indicating the date of the document and its registration number. In this case, the date and number of the document are first indicated, and then the name.
Step 3
When dismissing, in column 3, make the following entry: "Fired (dismissed) from part-time work …", then indicate the name of the employer, then - the article of the law, its part, the paragraph in accordance with which the termination of employment took place. An accurate decoding of the rule of law is also needed.
Step 4
When an employee is hired for part-time work in the same organization where he is employed at the main place of work, the name of the employer is not indicated in the record of hiring part-time.
Step 5
If the employee was hired part-time, and the employment contract with him was terminated by the time the entry was made in the work book, in column 3 write: "From (date) to (date) worked (worked) part-time …" then indicate the name of the employer, department name and position. Although the entry is in the past, its date in column 2 must nevertheless be current.
Step 6
When an employee from a part-time job is transferred to the main place of work in the same organization, make the first record of the dismissal (see paragraph 3). The second entry is as follows: "Accepted (accepted) for the position (indicate the name of the position)".