The profession of a music producer is surrounded by a huge number of legends and rumors. Some people believe that music producers are great workers and fans of their business, and some people believe that every producer is a cold and calculating businessman.

Of course, a music producer does not have to be an altruist - his task is to correctly invest in a new project, which will eventually start to bring in a lot of income. If you want to become a producer, remember that everyday life of any of them is associated with constant work, nervous tension, continuous organization of the creative process and communication with creative teams. It is the producer who organizes concerts and tours, promotes and advertises a group or performer, selects songs and videos, and looks for sources of funding. At the same time, the producer does not have to invest his own money: he is not necessarily a philanthropist, his task is rather to provide funding for the artist from sponsors, advertisers, income from concerts or from the sale of discs. Therefore, it is easiest to become a producer for a person who has a large number of useful acquaintances and necessary connections among representatives of business and art. In the modern world, it is sometimes incredibly difficult to get into the ranks of producers. In order to achieve success, you need to tune in in advance for difficult and long work. Special education is not a prerequisite for making a career as a producer - you can start working as an administrator at a recording studio, and gradually move up the career ladder. But specialized education will not hurt, especially since today there are professional training programs for music producers. The specificity of the work of a producer in Russia is to organize a profitable tour. The fact is that in European countries all producers usually devote their energy primarily to the release of discs and the selection of the right material for them. And in Russia, due to the dominance of pirated audio recordings, the main profit can be obtained only through concert activities. Having turned around for some time in the relevant circles, you can get a fairly deep and extensive knowledge in show business and start your own career as a producer. But you should not be intimidated by irregular working hours, since for the producer constant traveling, business trips and negotiations become everyday events.