How you conduct yourself at a bank interview isn't just about hiring. If your person fully meets the organization's requirements for an employee, the probationary period can be reduced to a minimum, and the salary increased.

Step 1
Think about what qualities the banking organization wants to see in a potential employee. The bank requires accuracy, diligence, and attentiveness from its employees. Try to meet these expectations, behave correctly.
Step 2
Choose the right clothing. Of course, during an interview, you can show off your knowledge and make a favorable impression even in ripped jeans, but you will still be judged by your appearance. Stop your choice on a quality business suit, clean your shoes. Keep in mind that most banks have a strict dress code, so you will be required to follow standard rules.
Step 3
Prepare for your interview ahead of time. Examine what duties an employee of a particular bank department performs, usually they are listed in the vacancy text. Prepare answers to all possible questions. Rehearse in front of the mirror.
Step 4
Do not forget to take documents proving your education, completed advanced training courses. Print your resume, even if you sent it by email, the interviewer may not take the sheet with them to the interview.
Step 5
Answer the questions as specifically as possible. If you start "pouring water", it can be perceived as self-doubt or lack of theoretical knowledge.
Step 6
Feel free to confess if you are not fully proficient in any of the skills required to work at a bank. A potential employer will appreciate your honesty, and it will not work to hide forever that you do not know how to do something. It is better to try to interest the interlocutor with your experience in other areas related to the performance of duties.
Step 7
Smile. This is especially important if your future work will be related to servicing individuals, the interviewer will also appreciate your literate speech. Try to control yourself and not use parasitic words.
Step 8
Remember that you may be subjected to a stressful interview. You will understand this if you are asked questions without waiting for an answer, or if their nature is not directly related to future work. Try to keep your composure and avoid provocation.