There are many ways to sell a product or service. These are various promotions, and the creation of your own website, and the opening of a store. Cold calling is one of the popular options. Their goal is to make an appointment with the client. And already on it to conclude a lucrative contract. Cold calling, like any other job, requires certain skills and abilities.

It is necessary
directory of organizations
Step 1
Before you start, make a list of the organizations you will call. Write down the name, phone number, and contact person, if known. If this is your first cold calling experience, start calling small organizations. When you get experience, call more reputable companies.
Step 2
Be sure to write the text of the conversation, especially the first phrases. From the very first minute, you must interest the person, otherwise he may hang up. Make up a few of the big pluses of your proposal and talk about the first one at the beginning of the conversation. After all, you only have 15-20 seconds to get a response to your proposal.
Step 3
The following pluses can be voiced during the conversation so that the interlocutor does not lose interest. But do this only if the interlocutor does not agree to a meeting for a long time. If you have already agreed on personal negotiations, leave the benefits of your product to them.
Step 4
If you are told that there is no time to talk right now, most likely it is. Specify when it will be convenient for the person to communicate and say goodbye. Do not forget to call back at the appointed time.
Step 5
For the duration of the call, forget about all the problems and failures. People can feel emotion even on the phone, so it's best if you smile in a friendly way while talking.
Step 6
During the conversation, you can use the "three yes" rules. Get the person to answer yes to the first three questions. Then he will answer the fourth in the same way. This method has been proven for a long time.
Step 7
The first three questions may be the most commonplace. For example, you call a pasta wholesaler. First question: "You are selling pasta, aren't you?" The interlocutor will answer in the affirmative. Strive for a direct yes. If the answer was different, the method may not work.
Step 8
The next question may sound like this: "Wholesale?" This question will again be answered in the affirmative. Or you can ask, "Am I talking to the purchasing manager?" Ask a question if you know who you are talking to. Well, if you know the name and patronymic of the person you are talking to, ask again and again get yes.
Step 9
This gives you a total of three positive answers. And the next question should already be aimed at ensuring that you get what you want. For example, you can immediately ask a question about a meeting. Or ask if you can send them a commercial offer.
Step 10
Call the other person by their first name as often as possible. This is well received on a subconscious level. Do not use complex phrases, your speech should be clear even to the person who listens out of ear. Be prepared to deal with the client's objections, if any. Try to behave naturally, do not give out the entire memorized text at once. Listen to what the other person is saying.
Step 11
Don't drag out the conversation. Your task is to make an appointment. It is optimal if the interlocutor agrees to it in a few minutes. If you have not achieved a personal meeting, find out if it is possible to send a commercial proposal. In the future, this can also bring you a concluded contract.